Ways to Divide the Human Brain: when we look at current brain terminology, we see a mixture of naming systems. Early investigators named structures after themselves or objects or ideas. They used different languages, especially Latin, Greek, and English. Many names for nervous system structures include information about anatomical location. (Kolb, 38-39)
During "embryogenesis" the brain is subdivided into five continuous regions. As the brain grows in size and complexity, these regions fold upon and over one another, so that in the adult the evidence of these subdivisions is no longer clearly apparent. If the adult brain is viewed in three dimensions, only three regions are clearly visible, and these are the "neocortex," "cerebellum," and part of the "brainstem." (Patestas, 68)
By Brain Development: editor’s note - this division focuses on brain growth and development.
By Brain Function: editor’s note - this division focuses on regions of the "neocortex.” The idea that different regions of the brain are specialized for different purposes is central to modern brain science. (Kandel, 123
By Brodmann Areas: a numerical system invented by German neuroanatomist Korbinian Brodman, in which “cortical” regions were allocated a number: “area 1,” “area 2,” and so on. (Bainbridge, 252) Based on studies conducted with the microscope. (Blumenfeld, 30) Defined geographic regions in the human “cerebral cortex,” numbering them from 1 through 52, according to the sequence in which he (prepared the slides). Some of these divisions are still used today, though most of them have shifted based on physiological criteria unavailable at that time. (Koch, 117)
By Central Nervous System Position: editor’s note - listed from top to bottom or “dorsal” to “ventral.”
"Cerebral Hemispheres”
“Basal Ganglia”
By Colloquial Reference:
"Brain Stem"
By Evolutionary Development: Shortly after Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution, biologists realied that the humab brain itself had evolved over time, and that its evolutionary history is evident from just looking at it. Unlike other species which often disappear as new ones appear, the brin evolved by adding new parts on top of older parts. This method of growth by addition applies to the brqins of most complex animals. It is easy to see why the old brain parts are still there. No matter how smart and sophisticated we are, breathing, eating, sex, and reflex reactions are still critical to our survival. (Hawkins2, 11-12)
"Reptilian Brain"
"Mamalian Brain"
"Human Brain"
By Greek Reference: editor's note - includes five major regions, the largest being the “telencephalon.”