This image of the human brain uses colors and shapes to show neurological differences between two people. The blurred front portion of the brain, associated with complex thought, varies most between the individuals. The blue ovals mark areas of basic function that vary relatively little. Visualizations like this one are part of a project to map complex and dynamic information about the human brain, including genes, enzymes, disease states, and anatomy. The brain maps represent collaborations between neuroscientists and experts in math, statistics, computer science, bioinformatics, imaging, and nanotechnology. Image and caption credit Arthur Toga, University of California, Los Angeles


Richards on the Brain provides a library of word descriptions published by experts in their fields. The descriptions are elaborative because they come from multiple authors who often provide multiple insights into a word. The library simplifies the vocabulary of neuroscience, psychology, and biology for you by organizing words into key concepts.

I started making a library to help learn about the complicated subject of neuroscience. The library increased with college science courses and was shared with fellow students. Enhancements to the library continue, in no small part, due to continuing exposure to books and interviews on the Brain Science Podcast.

Today the library brings you access to over 5000 words associated with the sciences of the brain and elaborated on by more than 300 authors.

John Richards