Find More Resources at the Brain Science

Find More Resources at the Brain Science

3D Brain: 3-D Brain... Genes to Cognition Online. An IOS application and online interactive program. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. 2009. (

ACS: American Cancer Society, a nationwide, community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem. Global Headquarters are located in Atlanta, Georgia, and regional and local offices throughout the country to ensure a presence in every community. Mission is to save lives, celebrate lives, and lead the fight for a world without cancer. (

ALA: American Lung Association. The leading organization working to save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease through education, advocacy and research. (

AllAboutPhilosphy: Systems of Thought. A website devoted to philosophy and philosophical questions. (

American Heritage Medical Dictionary: American Heritage Medical Dictionary... 2nd Edition. Orlando, FL: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2007.

Anatomy: Giovanni Iazzetti and Enrico Rigutti, Atlas of Human Anatomy. Cobham, Surrey: TAJ Books, Ltd. 2005

APA: American Psychological Association Website. (

APA Cultural Guidelines: American Psychological Association, Guidelines on Multicultural Education, Training, Research, Practice and Organizational Change for Psychologists. 2002.  (

ASHA: American Speech-Langugage-Hearing Association. National professional, scientific, and credentialing association for members and affiliates who are audiologists; speech-language pathologists; speech, language, and hearing scientists; audiology and speech-language pathology assistants; and students. Audiologists specialize in preventing and assessing hearing and balance disorders as well as providing audiologic treatment, including hearing aids. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) identify, assess, and treat speech, language, and swallowing disorders. (

ATP: American Technical Publishers for (

Bainbridge: David Bainbridge, Beyond the Zonules of Zinn... A Fantastic Journey Through Your Brain. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. 2008.

Bainbridge, BSP832: “Beyond the Zonules of Zinn.” Interview with David Bainbridge, hosted by Dr. Ginger Campbell. The Brain Science Podcast #22. March 7, 2008. Transcript.

Baltzan: Paige Baltzan and Amy Phillips, Information Systems. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. 2011.

Bamford: Dr. Cheyne Bamford, Department Chair, Behavioral Sciences, Arapahoe Community College. Course Materials. Psychology 102, General Psychology 2. Fall, 2010.

Barnes: J. Wesley Barnes, Statistical Analysis for Engineers and Scientists... A Computer Based Approach. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1994.

Batiza: Ann Finney Batiza, Bioinformatics, Genomics, and Proteomics... Getting the Big Picture. New York, NY: Chelsea House. 2006.

Bauer: Dr. Nia Bauer, Arapahoe Community College. Course Materials. Biology 1152, Human Genetics. Fall, 2013.

Beillo: David Beillo, "Searching for God in the Brain." Scientific American Mind, Oct/Nov 2007. Studied religious associations and the brain.

Beilock: Sian Beilock, Choke... What The Secrets of the Brain Reveal About Getting It Right When You Have To. New York, NY: Free Press. 2010.

Berent: Iris Berent, “The Blind Storyteller…How We Reason About Human Nature." New York: Oxford University Press. 2020.

Bergen, BSP94: “Louder than Words: The New Science of How the Mind Makes Meaning.” Interview with Benjamin Bergen, hosted by Dr. Ginger Campbell. The Brain Science Podcast #94. February 16, 2013. Transcript.

Berger: Kathleen Stassen Berger, The Developing Person Through the Life Span... Seventh Edition. New York, NY: Worth Publishers. 2008.

Berkley: Susan Berkley, SPEAK to Influence... How to Unlock the Hidden Power of Your Voice. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Campbell Hall Press. 1999.

Best of the Brain: Floyd E. Bloom, Editor, Best of the Brain from Scientific American... Mind, Matter, and Tomorrow’s Brain. New York: Dana Press. 2007.

BHO: Introduction to Renewable Energy Technologies. Denver, CO: BHO Productions, LLC., 2009.

BigDogs: Big Dogs & Little Dog’s Performance Justification. (

Blakeslee: Sandra Blakeslee and Mathew Blakeslee, The Body Has a Mind of Its Own... How Body Maps in Your Brain Help You Do (Almost) Everything Better. New York: Random House Publishing Group, a Division of Random House, Inc. 2007. (

Blumenfeld: Hal Blumenfeld, Neuroanatomy through Clinical Cases. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates Inc. 2010.

Books and Ideas: Books and Ideas Podcast. Host Ginger Campbell. Covers topics exploring history, philosophy, other areas of science, science fiction, and … politics. Started in December 2006. (, Books and Ideas Podcast)

Bradshaw: Beverly Bradshaw, Professor, Arapahoe Community College. Course Materials. Psychology 101, General Psychology. Summer, 2009.

Brain Facts: Louis Vera-Portocarrero, Gray Matter Brain Facts. New York: Chelsea House, Infobase Publishing. 2007.

BrainFactsSNS: Brain Facts, A Primer on the Brain and Nervous System. A companion publication to Published online by the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C. 2012. (

Brain Rules: website for the book Brain Rules by author John Medina. Seattle, WA: Pear Press Publishing, Mark Pearson, President and Publisher. (

Brockman: John Brockman, Thinking… The New Science of Decision-Making, Problem-Solving, and Prediction. New York: HarperCollins Publishers. 2013.

Brooker: Robert J. Brooker, Eric P. Widmaier, Linda E. Graham, and Peter D. Stiling, Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2008.

Brown: Christopher Brown, The Art of Sign Language. London: PRC Publishing, Ltd. 2003.

Bruner: Jerome Bruner, The Process of Education. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2003.

Bryson: Bill Bryson, The Body: A Guide for Occupants. New York: Doubleday. 2019.

BSP: Brain Science Podcast. Hosted by Dr. Ginger Campbell. Features the latest books about neuroscience as well as live interviews with leading scientists from around the world. Started in December 2006. (

Burton: Robert Burton, On Being Certain: Believing You Are Right Even When You’re Not. New York: St. Martin’s Press. 2008.

Bynum: William and Helen Bynum, Great Discoveries in Medicine. London: Thames and Hudson LTD. 2011.

CampbellVA: Virginia Ann Campbell, MD, Are You Sure? The Unconscious Origins of Certainty. Published independently. 2020.

Campbell, BSP27: “Brain Science Podcast Annual Review 2007.” With host Dr. Ginger Campbell. The Brain Science Podcast #27. December 28, 2007. Transcript.

Campbell, BSP52: “Brain Science Podcast Annual Review 2008.” With host Dr. Ginger Campbell. The Brain Science Podcast #52. December 19, 2008. Transcript.

Campbell, BSP64: “Brain Science Podcast Annual Review 2009.” With host Dr. Ginger Campbell. The Brain Science Podcast #64. December 9, 2009. Transcript.

Campbell, BSP71: “Brain Science Podcast Annual Review 2010.” With host Dr. Ginger Campbell. The Brain Science Podcast #71. November 24, 2010. Transcript.

Campbell, BSP80: “Brain Science Podcast Annual Review 2011.” With host Dr. Ginger Campbell. The Brain Science Podcast #80. December 30, 2011. Transcript.

Campbell, BSP92: “Brain Science Podcast Annual Review 2012.” With host Dr. Ginger Campbell. The Brain Science Podcast #92. November 24, 2012. Transcript.

Campbell, BSP104: “Brain Science Podcast Annual Review 2013.” With host Dr. Ginger Campbell. The Brain Science Podcast #104. December 17, 2013. Transcript.

Campbell, BSP210: “Neuroscience Basics with Focus on Neurotransmitters.” With host Dr. Ginger Campbell. The Brain Science Podcast #210. July 28, 2023. Transcript.

Cambridge Language: David Crystal, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2000.

Cardwell: Mike Cardwell, Schaum’s A-Z Psychology. New York: McGraw Hill. 2003.

Carrasco: Marisa Carrasco, neuroscientist, “Seeing Clearly.” Interview with Kerry Smith on Neuropod podcast. February 22, 2013.

Carter: Rita Carter, Mapping The Mind. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1998.

Cedars-Sinai: website for the Cedars-Sinai Health System. Oct2013. (

Center for Behavioral Neuroscience: established in 1998. In November 1999, the Center became one of the National Science Foundation's Science and Technology Centers and expanded to include seven institutions in Atlanta, Georgia and other community partner organizations. The CBN's original scientific focus was the neuroscience of social behaviors in the areas of affiliation, aggression, fear and reproduction and the emotional and regulatory processes that underlie them. (Later expanded) into the areas of memory, cognition, reward functions of the brain and positive emotional states. (

Cerebrum 2009: The Dana Foundation, Cerebrum... Emerging Ideas in Brain Science 2009. New York: Dana Press. 2009.

Cerebrum 2010: The Dana Foundation, Cerebrum... Emerging Ideas in Brain Science 2010. New York: Dana Press. 2010.

CFF: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Bethesda, MD. The world’s leader in the search for a cure for cystic fibrosis. Funds more CF research than any other organization, and nearly every CF drug available today was made possible because of Foundation support. (

Chapple: Michael Chapple, Schaum’s A-Z Physics. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. 2003.

Chatroom: "National DNA Day Online Chatroom," National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health. Bethesda, MD. 2012

Childrens CO: Children's Hospital of Colorado,  Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO. "Our modern-day mission is to improve the health of children through the provision of high-quality coordinated programs of patient care, education, research and advocacy." (

Chudler: Eric H. Chudler, The Little Book of Neuroscience Haikus. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2013.

Clark: Mary Ann Clark, et al., Biology 2e. Livonia, MI: XanEdu Publishing Inc. 2018. Openstax is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution License v4.0. (

Cleveland Clinic: The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio. A multi-specialty academic medical center located in Cleveland, Ohio, United States. Established in 1921. One of the largest private medical centers in the world, the Cleveland Clinic saw more than 3,200,000 patient visits in 2009, with almost 80,000 hospital admissions. (

Collin: Catherine Collin, Nigel Benson, Joannah Ginsburg, et. al., The Psychology Book... Big Ideas Simply Explained. New York: DK Publishing. 2012.

Compass: “Constructing Knowledge in the Classroom.” Classroom Compass, Winter 1995, Volume 1, Number 3. Austin, Texas: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory.

Coon: Dennis Coon and John O. Mitterer, Introduction to Psychology... Gateways to Mind and Behavior. Belmont, CA: Thomson Higher Education, 2007.

Cordray: Gary Cordray and Bret Weller, Writing Guide 2nd Edition. Parker, CO: Ponderosa High School, 2011.

Corning: Corning, Inc., Corning, New York. American manufacturer of glass, ceramics, and related materials including laboratory products and solutions for life science applications. ( Editor’s note - in 1998 Corning divested itself of its consumer lines of cookware selling them to World Kitchen. Corning is the owner of the ‘Pyrex’ and ‘Gorilla Glass’ brands, Gorilla Glass being used in the first iPhone released in 2007.

Crick: Francis Crick, Of Molecules and Men. New York: Prometheus Books. 2004.

Cron2: Lisa Cron, Story or Die…How to Use Brain Science to Engage, Persuade, and Change Minds in Business and in Life. New York: Ten Speed Press, an imprint of Crown Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House. 2021.

Crystal: David Crystal, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. 2010.

Dalai Lama: The Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler, The Art of Happiness... A Handbook for Living. New York: Riverhead Books. 1998. 

Damasio: Antonio Damasio, Self Comes to Mind... Constructing the Conscious Brain. New York: Pantheon Books. 2010. 

Damasio2: Antonio Damasio, Descartes’ Error… Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain. New York: Penguin Books. 1994.

Damasio, BSP189: “Interview with Antonio Damasio and host Dr. Ginger Campbell.” The Brain Science Podcast #189. October 29, 2021. Transcript.

Darwin: Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species. Danbury, Connecticut: Grolier Enterprises Corp. 1981/1909. First edition: November 24, 1859.

Dasani. Tori Dasani, Aurelius Holt, Psychology of Human Behavior…Empath, Stoicism in Modern Life, Persuasion. Independently published. 2019.

Davidson: Cathy N. Davidson, Now You See It... How the Brain Science of Attention Will Transform the Way We Live, Work, and Learn. New York, NY: Penguin Group (USA) Inc. 2011.

Discover: Discover. Monthly magazine. New York NY: Corey S. Powell, Editor. William C. Hostetter, publisher. 2009. 

Doidge: Norman Doidge, The Brain That Changes Itself... Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science. New York: The Penguin Group, Inc. 2007. (

Dorsey: Ray Dorsey, Todd Sherer, Michael S. Okun, Bastiaan R. Bloem, Ending Parkinson’s Disease… A Prescription for Action. New York: Public Affairs, a Hachette Book Group. 2020.

Dowling: John E. Dowling, Understanding The Brain…From Cells To Behavior To Cognition. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, Inc. 2018.

DSM: American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition. Arlington, VA: America Psychiatric Publishing. 2013. (

Dunlop: James P. Dunlop, Photovoltaic Systems... 2nd edition. Orland Park, Illinois: American Technical Publishers, Inc. 2009.

Eagleman: David Eagleman, Incognito...The Secret Lives of the Brain. New York: Pantheon Books, a division of Random House, Inc. 2011.

EDTEC in Action: San Diego State University, Department of Educational Technology/Erin Lawler-King, 2005 - 2009. (

Edutech Wiki: a resource kit for educational technology teaching and research hosted by an educational technology research and teaching unit at University of Geneva. (

Edvotek: Mitochondrial DNA Analysis Using PCR.  EDVO-Kit # 332. Bethesda, MD: The Biotechnology Education Company. 2007.  

Einstein: Win Wenger and Richard Poe, The Einstein Factor... A Proven New Method for Increasing Your Intelligence. New York: Three Rivers Press. 1996.

Ekman: Paul Ekman, Telling Lies... Clues to Deceit in the Marketplace, Politics, and Marriage. New York: W.W. Norton. 1985. (Goleman, 23)

Ekman2: Paul Ekman, Emotions Revealed. New York: Henry Holt and Company LLC, 2003. 

EMedHealth: "eMedicineHealth." A consumer health information site that was launched in May 2003. The site contains over 900 health and medical articles written by physicians for patients and consumers. Owned and operated by WebMD and part of the WebMD Network. (

EPortfolio: "e-Portfolios at Penn State." Website for students at Penn State University, PA to create e-portfolios. (

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center, EJ796377, "Tasting Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC)," 2008. ERIC - the Education Resources Information Center is an online digital library of education research and information. ERIC is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education. ERIC provides ready access to education literature to support the use of educational research and information to improve practice in learning, teaching, educational decision-making, and research. (

ExLearn: University of Colorado Denver, Experiential Learning Center. (

Farinella: Matteoo Farinella, Han Roš, Neurocomic. London: Nobrow LTD. 2013

Ferber: Robert Ferber, Market Research. New York: McGraw Hill. 1949.

Fields: R. Douglas Fields, The Other Brain... From Dementia to Schizophrenia, How New Discoveries about the Brain are Revolutionizing Medicine and Science. New York: Simon & Schuster. 2009.

Fisch: Adam Fisch, MD, Neuroanatomy Draw It to Know It. New York: Oxford University Press. 2009.

Fischer: Burkart Fischer, “A Sensory Fix for Problems in School,” Scientific American Mind, March/April 2010.

Fisher: Len Fisher, The Perfect Swarm... the Science of Complexity in Everyday Life. New York: Basic Books. 2009.

Floyd: Kory Floyd. Interpersonal Communication... The Whole Story. Boston, MA: McGraw Hill. 2009.

Foer: Joshua Foer, Moonwalking with Einstein... The Art and Science of Remembering Everything. New York: The Penguin Press. 2011.

Fox: Douglas Fox, “Thinking Machine... Can we build an artificial brain?” Discover, October 2009, pp.60.

Free Dictionary: "TheFreeDictionary." (

Friedman: Harriet R. Friedman and Patricia S. Goldman-Rakic, “Coactivation of Prefrontal Cortex and Inferior Parietal Cortex in Working Memory Tasks Revealed by 2DG Functional Mapping in the Rhesus Monkey,” Journal of Neuroscience, 14(5): 2775-2788, May 1994.

Fuster: Joaquin Fuster, The Prefrontal Cortex... Executive and Cognitive Functions. New York: Oxford University Press. 1998.

Gange: Robert M. Gange, Conditions of Learning and Theory of Instruction... 4th Edition, Florence, KY: Cengage Learning (formerly Wadsworth Publishing Company) 1985. 

Gardner: Howard Gardner, Multiple Intelligences… New Horizons. New York: Basic Books. 2006.

Gardner2: Howard Gardner’s website. The author of twenty-nine books translated into thirty-two languages, and several hundred articles, Gardner is best known in educational circles for his theory of multiple intelligences, a critique of the notion that there exists but a single human intelligence that can be adequately assessed by standard psychometric instruments. (Gardner2, About) Gardner answers questions about multiple intelligences in his Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. (

Gazzaniga: Michael S. Gazzaniga, Who’s in Charge? Free Will and the Science of the Brain. New York: Harper Collins Publishers. 2011.

Gazzaniga2: Michael S. Gazzaniga, Tales from Both Sides of the Brain…A Life in Neuroscience. New York: Harper Collins Books. 2015.

Gazzaniga3: Michael S. Gazzaniga, Human: The Science Behind What Makes Your Brain Unique. New York: Harper Collins Publishers. 2009.

GeneReviews: University of Washington and the National Center for Biotechnology Information. RA Pagon, MP Adam, and TD Bird, et al., editors. Seattle, WA: 1993-2013 GeneReviews™ [Internet]. (

GHR: Genetics Home Reference, "Your Guide to Understanding Genetic Conditions." Bethesda, MD: National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. 2013. (

Gladwell: Malcolm Gladwell, David and Goliath… Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants. New York: Little Brown and Company. 2013.

GNN: Genome News Network. News coverage (focusing) on stories about genomics and human medicine, as well as the ways in which scientists are using genomics to find biological solutions to energy needs and environmental problems. Published by the J. Craig Venter Institute, Rockville, Maryland. (

Goldberg: Elkhonon Goldberg, The Wisdom Paradox... How Your Mind Can Grow Stronger As Your Brain Grows Older. New York: Gotham Books (Penguin Group USA Inc.) 2005.

Goldberg2: Elkhonon Goldberg, The Executive Brain... Frontal Lobes and the Civilized Mind.  Oxford, NY: Oxford University Press. 2001.

Goldberg, BSP17: “Interview with Dr. Elkhonon Goldberg and host Dr. Ginger Campbell.” The Brain Science Podcast #17. July 26, 2007. Transcript.

Goldstein: E. Bruce Goldstein, Sensation and Perception. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. 2010.

Goleman: Daniel Goleman, Social Intelligence... The New Science of Human Relationships. New York: Bantam Dell (a Division of Random House, Inc.) 2006.

Goleman2: Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence. New York: Bantam Dell (a Division of Random House, Inc.) 1996.

Goleman3: Daniel Goleman, Focus… The Hidden Driver of Excellence. New York: HarperCollins Publishers. 2013.

Gore: Al Gore, The Future… Six Drivers of Global Change. New York: Random House Inc. 2013.

Graziano: Machael S. A. Graziano, The Spaces Between Us…A Story of Neuroscience, Evolution, and Human Nature. New York: Oxford University Press 2018.

Great Brain: HP Newquist, The Great Brain Book... An Inside Look at the Inside of Your Head. New York: Scholastic Reference. 2005

Griffin: Cindy L. Griffin, Colorado State University. Invitation to Public Speaking. Belmont, CA: Thompson Wadsworth. 2006.

Gurney: James Gurney, Color and Light. Kansas City, Missouri: Andrews McMeel Publishing, LLC. 2010.

Hall: The Hall Lectures. John W. Hall, Vice President, Manufacturing, BHOProductions. Arapahoe Community College. Introduction to Energy Technologies. (ENY 101) Fall, 2009.

Harman: Jay Harman, The Shark’s Paintbrush... Biomimicry and How Nature is Inspiring Innovation. Ashland, OR: White Cloud Press. 2013.

Hawkins: Jeff Hawkins with Sandra Blakeslee, On Intelligence... How a New Understanding of the Brain Will Lead to the Creation of Truly Intelligent Machines. New York: Times Books (Henry Holt and Company, LLC). 2004.

Hawkins2: Jeff Hawkins, A Thousand Brains… A New Theory of Intelligence. New York: Hachette Book Group. 2021.

Healthline: website featuring current health information and recent health stories. (

Hein: George E. Hein, “The Museum and the Needs of People.” Jerusalem, Israel: International Committee of Museum Educators. October, 1991.

Herz: Rachel Herz, The Scent of Desire...Discovering Our Enigmatic Sense of Smell. New York: HarperCollins Publishers. 2007.

HGPIA: Human Genome Project Information Archive. Site sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Human Genome Program. (

Hockenbury: Don H. and Sandra E. Hockenbury, Discovering Psychology... Fourth Addition. New York: Worth Publishers. 2007.

Hockenbury2: Don H. and Sandra E. Hockenbury, Course Materials from Discovering Psychology... Fourth Addition. New York: Worth Publishers. 2007.

Hopkins: John Hopkins Medicine. (

HRS: Heart Rhythm Society. Washington, DC. Founded in 1979. International leader in science, education and advocacy for cardiac arrhythmia professionals and patients, and the primary information resource on heart rhythm disorders. Mission is to improve the care of patients by advancing research, education and optimal health care policies and standards. (

Humphries: Mark Humphries, The Spike… An Epic Journey Through The Brain in 2.1 Seconds. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. 2021.

Hunt: Andrew Hunt, Schaum’s A-Z Chemistry. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2003.

Iacoboni: Marco Iacoboni, Mirroring People... The Science of Empathy and How We Connect with Others. New York: Picador. 2009. Researcher, UCLA.

IALS: International Association of Laboratory Schools. An international association of pre-kindergarten through graduate laboratory and university affiliated schools engaged in practices of teacher training, curriculum development, research, professional development, and educational experimentation for the purpose of  supporting member’s schools and as a voice speaking for the improvement of learning for all children.  (

IASP: International Association for the Study of Pain. A leading professional forum for science, practice, and education in the field of pain. Mission: bring together scientists, clinicians, health care providers, and policy makers to stimulate and support the study of pain and to translate that knowledge into improved pain relief worldwide. (

IDT History: The History of Instructional Design and Technology, Wiki Spaces. (

Indge: Bill Indge, Schaum’s A - Z Biology. New York: McGraw Hill, 2003.

INMHA: Canadian Institute of Neuroscience, Mental Health and Addiction. Supports research on the functioning and disorders of the brain, the spinal cord, the sensory and motor systems, and the mind. The Brain Top to Bottom. Website. (

Institute for Learning Innovation: a nonprofit organization dedicated to understanding, facilitating and communicating about free-choice learning. Founded in 1986. Helps museums, libraries and other free-choice learning institutions support their visitors' quests for learning across their lifespan (

Instructional Design: website designed to provide information about instructional design principles and how they relate to teaching and learning. (

Interactive: Arapahoe Community College,  Neurobiology (BIO 275501). Spring, 2011. Course video. Celia D. Norman, Professor. Anatomy & Physiology Revealed-Interactive Cadaver Experience Volume 2: New York:McGraw Hill, 2006.

Intrator: Sam Intrator, How Teaching Can Inspire Real Learning In the Classroom. New Haven, CN: Yale University Press, 2003.

ISDN: International Society for Developmental Neuroscience. An organization of basic and clinical scientists interested in the development of the nervous system in the broadest sense. ISDN members are also interested in aspects of aging, as well as neuronal dysfunctions associated with trauma or disease. Meetings of the society are biennial. The society also publishes a journal in cooperation with Elsevier called the International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience (IJDN). (

James: William James, The Principles of PsychologyVolume One. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. 1950. First published in 1890 by Henry Holt and Company.

James2: William James, The Principles of PsychologyVolume Two. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. 1950. First published in 1890 by Henry Holt and Company.

Jensen: Eric Jensen, Enriching the brain... How to Maximize Every Learner’s Potential. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) 2006.

Jensen2: Eric Jensen, Teaching with the Brain in Mind... 2nd Edition. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. 2010.

JensenN: Jessen, N.A., Munk, A.S.F., Lundgaard, I. et al. The Glymphatic System: A Beginner’s Guide. Neurochem Res 40, 2583–2599 (2015)

JNC: Journal of Neurochemistry. “A leading source for research into all aspects of neuroscience. JNC is devoted to the prompt publication of original findings of the highest scientific priority and value.” Published by the International Society for Neurochemistry, Colchester, England. (

Jobs: Walter Isaacson, Steve Jobs. New York:Simon & Shuster. 2011.

Johanson: Donald C. Johanson, Lucy’s Legacy... The Quest for Human Origins. New York: Harmony Books. 2009.

Johnson: James A. Johnson, Diann Musical, Gene E. Hall, and Donna M. Gollnick, Foundations of American Education... Perspectives on Education in a Changing World. Fifteenth Edition. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. 2011.

JohnsonC: Clifford V. Johnson, The Diaglogues…Conversations About the Nature of the Universe. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. 2017.

Jones: Paul Howard Jones, Introducing Neuroeducational Research Neuroscience, Education, and the Brain from Contexts to Practice. Oxford: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. 2009.

Kahneman: Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 2011.

Kahneman2: Daniel Kahneman, Attention and Effort. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. 1973.

Kandel: Eric R. Kandel,  In Search of Memory... The Emergence of a New Science of Mind. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2006.

Kandel2: Eric R. Kandel, The Age Of Insight...The Quest To Understand The Unconscious In Art, Mind, And Brain. New York: Random House. 2012.

Kandel3: Eric R. Kandel, James H. Schwartz, Thomas M. Jessell, Steven A. Siegelbaum, A.J. Hudspeth, Principles of Neural Science…Fifth Edition. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies. 2013.

Kandel4: Eric R. Kandel, The Disordered Mind…What Unusual Brains Tell Us About Ourselves. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 2018.

Kandel5: Eric R. Kandel, “The Storage and Persistence of Memory.” Brain and Mind Symposia, Columbia University, New York. May 13, 2004. 

Kandel6: “Eric Kandel Reminisces About Memory.” Interview with Eric Kandel, hosted by Ira Flatow. Talk of the Nation, Science Friday. Washington D.C. National Public Radio. January 8, 2010.

Keith: Kent M. Keith, Anyway, The Paradoxical Commandments, Finding Personal Meaning in a Crazy World. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons. 2001.

Keller: John M. Keller, “Strategies for Stimulating the Motivation to Learn.” Performance and Instruction, October, 1987.

Kenneally: Christine Kenneally, The First Word... The Search for the Origins of Language. Toronto, Canada: The Penguin Group. 2007.

Kleinman: Paul Kleinman, PSYCH 101, A Crash Course in the Science of the Mind. Avon, MA: Adams Media (F+W Media Inc.) 2012.

Koch: Christof Koch, The Quest for Consciousness... A Neurobiological Approach. Englewood, CO: Roberts and Company Publishers. 2004.

Koch2: Christof Koch, “Probing the Unconscious Mind.” Scientific American Mind, November/December 2009.

Koch, BSP22: “Consciousness.” Interview with Christof Koch, hosted by Dr. Ginger Campbell. The Brain Science Podcast #22. October 8, 2007. Transcript.

Koch, BSP84: “Confessions of a Romantic Reductionist.” Interview with Christof Koch, hosted by Dr. Ginger Campbell. The Brain Science Podcast #84. April 25, 2012. Transcript.

Kolb: Bryan Kolb & Ian Q. Whishaw, An Introduction to Brain and Behavior. New York: Worth Publishers. 2011.

Lambert: Kelly Lambert, “A Tale of Two Rodents.” Scientific American Mind, September/October  2011.

Laurienti: Paul J. Laurienti, “Network Science: A New Method for Investigating The Complexity of Musical Experiences in the Brain.” Leonardo, 2012, Vol. 45 Issue 3, p282.

Lawrence: Eleanor Lawrence, Editor, Henderson’s Dictionary of Biology... Fifteenth Edition. Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education Ltd. 2011.

Learning & the Brain: an organization that has been bringing neuroscientists and educators together since 1999 to explore new research on the brain and learning and its implications for education. These conferences and summer institutes bring cutting-edge neuroscience and educational research directly from the researchers themselves to educators, clinicians, counselors, speech-language and special education professionals to improve their practice. Needham, MA. (

LearningTheories: Joey Lee, Learning Theories in Plain English. Palo Alto, CA: 2014.

LeDoux: Joseph LeDoux, Synaptic Self... How Our Brains Become Who We Are. New York: Viking Penguin. 2002.

LeDue: The LeDue Lectures. Larry LeDue. Arapahoe Community College. Basics of AC and DC Electricity. (ENY 120) Fall, 2009.

Leschziner. Guy Leschziner, The Nocturnal Brain…Nightmares, Neuroscience, and the Secret World of Sleep. Simon & Schuster UK Ltd. 2019.

Levine: Mel Levine, A Mind at A Time... America’s Top Learning Expert Shows How Every Child Can Succeed. New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks. 2002.

LevineT: Timothy R. Levine, Duped…Truth-Default Theory and the Social Science of Lying and Deception. Tuscaloosa, Alabama:The University of Alabama Press. 2020.

Lewis: Ricki Lewis, Human Genetics, Concepts and Applications. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2012)

LewisP: Penelope A. Lewis, The Secret World of Sleep… The Surprising Science of the Mind at Rest. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. 2013

Lilienfeld: Scott O. Lilienfeld, Steven Jay Lynn, John Ruscio, Barry L. Beyerstein, 50 Great Myths of Popular Psychology… Shattering Widespread Misconceptions about Human Behavior. Chichester, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2010.

Lodish: Harvey Lodish, Arnold Berk, et al., Molecular Cell Biology… 4th edition. New York: W. H. Freeman. 2000.

Logie: Robert H. Logie, “Working memory as a mental workspace: Why activated long-term memory is not enough.” Behavioral and Brain Sciences. December 1, 2003.

Lynch: Gary Lynch and Richard Granger,  Big Brain... The Origins and Future of Human Intelligence. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2008.

Mager: Robert F. Mager and Peter Pipe, Analyzing Performance Problems... How To Figure Out Why People Aren’t Doing What They Should Be, and What To Do About It 3rd Edition. Atlanta, Georgia: CEP Press (The Center for Effective Performance, Inc.) 1997.

Mager2: Robert F. Mager and Peter Pipe, Goal Analysis... How to clarify your goals so you can actually achieve them 3rd Edition. Atlanta, Georgia: CEP Press (The Center for Effective Performance, Inc.) 1997.

Mager3: Robert F. Mager and Peter Pipe, Preparing Instructional Objectives... A Critical Tool in the Development of Effective Instruction 3rd Edition. Atlanta, Georgia: CEP Press (The Center for Effective Performance, Inc.) 1997.

Marshall: The Marshall Conversations. James M. Marshall, Ph.D., San Diego State University,  Introduction to Educational Technology. (EDTEC 540) Fall, 2011. Includes original course materials.

Marshall2: James Marshall, Bob Hoffman & Donn Ritchie, ‘Instructional Objectives,’ San Diego State University,  Introduction to Educational Technology. (EDTEC 540) Fall, 2011.

Mathews: Paul M. Mathews and Jeffrey McQuain, The Bard on the Brain. New York: The Dana Press. 2003.

Mayo: The Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. ”A nonprofit worldwide leader in medical care, research and education for people from all walks of life. Doctors from every medical specialty work together to care for patients, joined by common systems and a philosophy of the needs of the patient come first." Mayo Clinic is governed by a 33-member Board of Trustees.( information:diseases and conditions), (

MayoWPW: Mayo Clinic, Wolff-Parksinson-White syndrome feature. (

McCornack: Steven McCornack, Reflect and Relate... An Introduction to Interpersonal Communication 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin's. 2009

Medina: John J. Medina, Brain Rules... 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School. Seattle, WA: Pear Press. 2008. Website for the book may be found at (brain, Pear Press Publishing, Mark Pearson, President and Publisher.

Medina, BSP37: “Brain Rules.” Interview with John Medina and host Dr. Ginger Campbell.” The Brain Science Podcast #37. May 16, 2008. Transcript.

MedlinePlus: the National Institutes of Health's Web site for patients and their families and friends. A service of the National Library of Medicine, it brings information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues. Bethesda, MD: U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Mission is to present high-quality, relevant health and wellness information that is trusted, easy to understand, and free of advertising, in both English and Spanish. Anywhere, anytime, on any device—for free. (

Memory and Mind: "Memory and Mind:Improving Memory and Achievement in the Classroom." Symposium co-sponsored by the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives and Learning & the Brain. Feature speech by Eric R. Kandel. April, 2011.

Memory Loss: "Memory Loss & the Brain," a newsletter of the Memory Disorders Project at Rutgers University.  (

Menon: Vinod Menon and Lucina Q. Uddin, “Saliency, switching, attention and control: a network model of insula function.”  Brain, Structure, and Function. New York, NY: Springer. May 29, 2010.

Merzenich: Michael Merzenich, Soft-Wired… How the New Science of Brain Plasticity Can Change Your Life. San Francisco: Parnassus Publishing, Llc. 2013

Merzenich, BSP54: “Neuroplasticity.” Interview with Dr. Michael Merzenich, hosted by Dr. Ginger Campbell. Brain Science Podcast #54. February 13, 2009. Transcript. 

MeSH: Medical Subject Headings, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Bethesda, MD. 2013. National Library of Medicine's controlled vocabulary thesaurus. It consists of sets of terms naming descriptors in a hierarchical structure that permits searching at various levels of specificity (

Micklos: David A. Micklos, Greg A. Freyer, DNA Science... A First Course. New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2003.

Miell: Dorothy Miell, Ann Phoenix and Kerry Thomas, Mapping Psychology. Milton Keynes, England: The Open University. 2002.

Mikulecky: Peter Mikulecky, Michelle Rose Gilman, and Brian Peterson, AP Biology For Dummies.  Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing, Inc. 2008.

Mitchell: Kevin J. Mitchell, Innate…How the Wiring of Our Brains Shapes Who We Are. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2018.

Mosconi: Lisa Mosconi, The XX Brain…The Groundbreaking Science Empowering Women to Maximize Cognitive Health and Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease. New York: Avery, Penguin Random House LLC. 2020

Mountcastle: Gerald M. Edelman and Vernon B. Mountcastle, The Mindful Brain… Cortical Organization and the Group-Selective Theory of Higher Brain Function. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 1978.

NAGC: National Association for Gifted Children. An organization of parents, teachers, educators, other professionals, and community leaders who unite to address the unique needs of children and youth with demonstrated gifts and talents as well as those children who may be able to develop their talent potential with appropriate educational experiences.  Supports and develops policies and practices that encourage and respond to the diverse expressions of gifts and talents in children and youth from all cultures, racial and ethnic backgrounds, and socioeconomic groups. Supports and engages in research and development, staff development, advocacy, communication, and collaboration with other organizations and agencies who strive to improve the quality of education for all students. Mission Statement. (

Najjar: Lawrence J. Najjar, “The Effects of Multimedia and Elaborative Encoding on Learning.” School of Psychology and Graphics, Visualization and Usability Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA February 7, 1996.

Nakao: Seigo Nakao, Japanese-English, English-Japanese Dictionary. New York: Random House. 1997

Nature Education: Scitable, The Genetic Variation in a Population Is Caused by Multiple Factors. Cambridge, MA: Nature Education. 2013. (

NCI: National Cancer Institute. The federal government's principal agency for cancer research and training. Established under the National Cancer Institute Act of 1937, NCI is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), one of 11 agencies that make up the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). NCI’s mission is to lead, conduct, and support cancer research across the nation to advance scientific knowledge and help all people live longer, healthier lives. As the leader of the cancer research enterprise, collectively known as the National Cancer Program, and the largest funder of cancer research in the world, NCI manages a broad range of research, training, and information dissemination activities that reach across the entire country. The NCI web site contains graphic-rich tutorials for educational use by life science teachers, medical professionals, and the interested public. The art presented is copyrighted and distributed free of charge for educational purposes. (

NCI1: NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms National Cancer Institute. (

NCI2: NCI Drug Dictionary, National Cancer Institute. (

NCI3: NCI Dictionary of Genetics Terms, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. 2013. (

NCI4: NCI Glossary of StatisticalTerms, National Cancer Institute. (

NC15: Understanding Cancer Series, National Cancer Institute.  (

NC16: Understanding Genetic Variation, National Cancer Institute.  (

NCIt: NCIthesaurus and NCImetathesaurus, Unified Medical Language System. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health. 2013.

Nestler: Eric J. Nestler and Rober C. Malenka, "The Addicted Brain," Best of the Brain From Scientific American, Mind, Matter, and Tomorrow's Brain. New York: Dana Press, The Dana Foundation. 2007.

Neuropod: Neuroscience podcast from Nature, produced in association with the Dana Foundation. Hosted by Kerry Smith. Interviews with authors covering the latest research on the brain (

Newberg: Andrew Newberg and Eugene d’Aquili, “SPECT scans with Buddhist Monks in meditative state.” 2001 research paper. Scientific American Mind, October/November 2007, p.40. Neuroscientists, University of Pennsylvania.

Newquist: HP Newquist, The Great Brain Book... An Inside Look at the Inside of Your Head. New York: Scholastic Inc. 2005.

NewWorldEncyclopedia: a wiki-based encyclopedia which contains articles that are rewritten and supervised by a team of editors with academic and literary qualifications. Designed to organize human knowledge so the reader will learn information not just for its own sake, but for its value to the reader and the world as a whole. The underlying goal of the encyclopedia is to promote knowledge that leads to human happiness, well-being, and world peace. (

NHGRI: National Human Genome Research Institute, "Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms." Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health. 2013. Information in the glossaries courtesy: National Human Genome Research Institute. (

Nicolelis: Miguel Nicolelis, Beyond Boundaries... The New Neuroscience of Connecting Brains with Machines - and How It Will Change Our Lives. New York: St. Martin’s Press. 2011.

NIFDI: National Institute for Direct Instruction. A non-profit organization dedicated to providing continuous administrative and curricular support to schools and districts as they implement Direct Instruction programs and conducting, promoting and publicizing high-quality research on the effects of DI implementations. (

NIGMS: National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health. Mission is to support research that increases understanding of life processes and lays the foundation for advances in disease diagnosis, treatment and prevention. (, image and video gallery)

NIH: National Institutes of Health. Part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the NIH is the nation’s medical research agency — making important discoveries that improve health and save lives. NIH’s mission is to seek fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and the application of that knowledge to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability. ( National Library of Medicine.

NIMH: National Institutes of Mental Health. A United States governmental organization under the National Institutes of Health whose mission is to transform the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses through basic and clinical research, paving the way for prevention, recovery, and cure.(

NLM: National Library of Medicine. A United States governmental organization under the National Institutes of Health. The world's largest medical library. Collects materials and provides information and research services in all areas of biomedicine and health care. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health. 2013. (

Nobel: the official website of the Nobel Prize. Information for every Nobel Prize since 1901, including the Nobel Laureates' biographies, Nobel Lectures, interviews, photos, articles, video clips, press releases, educational games and more. is a registered trademark, and is produced, managed and maintained by Nobel Media. Nobel Media AB is a Swedish corporate entity and subsidiary of the Nobel Foundation Rights Association, a non-profit association managing the rights of the Nobel Foundation.(

Noice: Helga Noice and Tony Noice, “What Studies of Actors and Acting Can Tell Us About Memory and Cognitive Functioning.” Current Directions of Psychological Science, Volume 15, Number 1, 2006. 

Norman: The Norman Lectures. Celia D. Norman, Professor, Arapahoe Community College, General College Biology. (BIO 111) Summer, 2009.

Norman Labs: Celia D. Norman, General Biology I Lab Manual. Littleton, CO: Arapahoe Community College. 2009.

Norman Study: Celia D. Norman, Neurobiology. Littleton, CO:Arapahoe Community College, Spring 2011.

OCR: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights. Programs for English Language Learners. Part IV: Glossary. (

Olwell: The Olwell Lectures. Dan Olwell, Instructor, Arapahoe Community College, Building Energy Audit Technology. (ENY 102) Spring, 2010.

ORNL: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Biological and Environmental Research Information System, Genome Glossary. Oak Ridge, TN. 2013. Image courtesy of the U.S. Department of Energy Genomic Science program. (

Oxford: Shorter Oxford English Dictionary... 6th Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2007.

OxfordMed: Oxford Concise Colour Medical Dictionary... 5th Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2010.

OxfordMind: Richard L. Gregory, Oxford Companion to the Mind. New York: Oxford University Press. 2004.

Panksepp, BSP65: “Affective Neuroscience: The Foundations of Human and Animal Emotions.” Interview with Jaak Panksepp, hosted by Dr. Ginger Campbell. The Brain Science Podcast #65. January 13, 2010. Transcript.

Panksepp, BSP91: “The Archaeology of Mind: Neuroevolutionary Origins of Human Emotions.” Interview with Jaak Panksepp, hosted by Dr. Ginger Campbell. The Brain Science Podcast #91. November 30, 2012. Transcript.

Paré: Denis Paré, “Role of the basolateral amygdala in memory consolidation.” Progress in Neurobiology, Volume 70, Issue 5, August 2003:409-420. Amsterdam:Elsevier. 2003.

Pasupathi: Monisha Pasupathi, “How We Learn.” Course No. 1691 of The Great Courses lecture series. 2013. (

Patestas: Maria A. Patestas and Leslie P. Gartner, A Textbook of Neuroanatomy. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. 2006.

Pease: Allan and Barbara Pease, The Definitive Book of Body Language. New York: Bantam Dell. 2004.

Persinger: Michael Persinger,  “Inventor of the God Helmet.”  Scientific American Mind, October/November 2007, p. 40. Neuroscientist, Laurentian University, Ontario.

Pessoa, BSP106: “The Cognitive-Emotional Brain: From Interactions to Integration.” Interview with Dr. Luiz Pessoa, hosted by Ginger Campbell. The Brain Science Podcast #106. February 17, 2014.

Peterson: Tanya J. Peterson, “Humanistic Therapy: How It Works, What it Costs, & What to Expect.” July 23, 2021.

Phelps: Elisabeth A. Phelps, “Human emotion and memory:interactions of the amygdala and hippocampal complex.” Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2004, 14:198-202.

Pinker: Steven Pinker, Enlightenment Now…The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress. New York: Viking, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC. 2018.

Politser: Peter Politser, Neuroeconomics… a guide to the new science of making choices. New York: Oxford University Press. 2008.

Pollock: Jane E. Pollock, Improving Student Learning One Teacher at a Time. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. 2007.

PollockFord: Jane E. Pollock and Sharon M. Ford, Improving Student Learning One Principal at a Time. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. 2009.

Powell: John Powell, How Music Works… The Science and Psychology of Beautiful Sounds, from Beethoven to the Beatles and Beyond. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 2010.

Powell2: John Powell, Ira Flatow, “From Bach to Beer Bottles, The Physics of Music,” NPR Science Friday Podcast, November 19, 2010.

Prometheus: Prometheus Training, LLC. 2011. (

PubMed: comprises more than 22 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites. (

PubMed Health1: U.S. National Library of Medicine, PubMed Health. Drugs A-Z. (

PubMed Health2: U.S. National Library of Medicine, PubMed Health. Medical Encyclopedia. (

Pyle: William Henry Pyle, The Science of Human Nature: A Psychology for Beginners. Scotts Valley, CA: CreateSpace (On-Demand Publishing, Llc.) 2013.

Quiroga: Rodrigo Quian Quiroga, The Forgetting Machine…Memory, Perception, and the “Jennifer Aniston Neuron.” Dallas TX: BenBella Books. 2017.

Ramachandran: V.S. Ramachandran and Sandra Blakeslee, Phantoms in the Brain... Probing The Mysteries Of The Human Mind, New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc. 1998.

RamachandranTTB: V.S. Ramachandran, The Tell-Tale Brain... A Neuroscientist’s Quest for What Makes Us Human, New York: W.H. Norton and Company, Inc. 2011.

Ratey: John J. Ratey, MD.,  Spark... The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain. New York: Little, Brown and Company, Hachette Book Group USA. 2008.

Ravitch: Diane Ravitch, Ed Speak… A Glossary of Education Terms, Phrases, Buzzwords, and Jargon. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Devvelopment (ASCD). 2007.

RegisPortfolio: Regis University Electronic Portfolio Project. Regis University, Colorado in conjunction with Kansas State University, Kansas and Kapi'olani Community College, Hawaii, participated in a three-year Learning Anytime, Anywhere Partnership project. The goal for this project was to use Internet-based technology to improve non-core student services (

Richards: Dr. Aute Richards, Outline of Comparative Embryology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 1931. Embryologist and cytologist. Worked at Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island. Head of the Department of Zoology at the University of Oklahoma from 1920 to 1950. Joint founder of the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory in Gothic, Colorado.

RichardsJVR: The Richards Lectures. Jamie V Richards, Adjunct Professor of Theater Arts, Drew University, New  Jersey. Acting and Directing. (Theater 135) Spring, 2014.

RichardsJVR2: The Richards Lectures. Jamie V Richards, Adjunct Professor of Theater Arts, Drew University, The Art of the Play. (Theater 101) Spring, 2014.

RichardsMHR: Dr. Mildred Albro Hoge Richards, “The Influence of Temperature upon the Development of Mendelian Character.” Worked with the fruit fly “drosophila melanogaster” under Dr. Thomas H. Morgan at Columbia University.

Ridley: Matt Ridley,  Genome... The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters. New York: HarperCollins Publishers Inc. 1999.

Rizzolatti: Giacomo Rizzolatti, Mirrors in the Brain... How Our Minds Share Actions, Emotions, and Experience. New York, NY:Oxford University Press. 2008.

Rose: Charlie Rose Brain Series. A Public Broadcasting System program. New York, NY. Charlie Rose, Executive Producer, 2009-2012. (

Rossett: Allison Rossett and Dendra Sheldon, Beyond the Podium... Delivering Training and Performance to a Digital World. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 2001.

Rossett and Downes: Allison Rossett and Jeannette Gautier-Downes, A Handbook of Job Aids. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons (Pfeiffer) 1991.

Rossett and Tilaro: Allison Rossett and Angie Tilaro, “Creating Motivating Job Aids.” Performance and Instruction, October, 1993. 

Rossett First: Allison Rossett, First Things Fast...A Handbook for Performance Analysis. San Francisco: Pfeiffer. 2009.

Sacks: Oliver Sacks, Musicophilia. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Division of Random House, Inc. 2010.

Sacks2: Oliver Sacks, The Mind’s Eye. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Division of Random House, Inc. 2007.

Sacks3: Oliver Sacks, Connie Tomaino, Joke Bradt, Andrew Rossetti, Ira Flatow, “Treating Stress, Speech Disorders With Music,” NPR Science Friday Podcast, December 16, 2011.

Sacks4: Oliver Sacks, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat…and Other Clinical Trials. New York: Summit Books, a division of Simon and Schuster, Inc. 1985.

Sacks5: Oliver Sacks, The River of Consciousness. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, a division of Penguin Random House LLC. 2017.

Sacks6: Oliver Sacks, Hallucinations. New York: Thorndike Press, a part of Gale, Engage Learning. 2012.

SAM: Scientific American Mind... Behavior, Brain Science, Insights. Bimonthly Magazine. New York, NY: John Rennie, Editor in Chief. (

Saturn: Saturn Study Hall, "Comprehensive Home Energy Curriculum." Helena, MO: Saturn Resource Management, Inc. 2010.

Schaefer: Alexandre Schaefer and Jeremy R. Gray, “A Role for the Human Amygdala in Higher Cognition.” Reviews in Neurosciences, Volume 18, No. 5, 355-382. Berlin: De Gruyter (Formerly published by Freund Publishing House, Tel Aviv, Israel). 2007.

Schawbel: Dan Schawbel, Me 2.0... Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success. New York: Kaplan Publishing. 2009.

Schneider: Gary P. Schneider, Jessica Evans, Katherine T. Pinard, The Internet. Boston: Course Technology (Cengage Learning). 2010.

Schoonover: Carl Schoonover, Portraits of the Mind... Visualizing the Brain from Antiquity to the 21st Century. New York: Abrams. 2010.

Schunk: Dale H. Schunk, Learning Theories... An Educational Perspective. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. 2012.

SDBCoRe: Society of Developmental Biology, Collaborative Resources for Learning Developmental Biology, Glossary. Unless otherwise noted, SDB CoRe glossary terms were reprinted on the SDBCoRe website with permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. from Essential Developmental Biology, 3rd Edition, J.M.W. Slack, © 2012 by Jonathan Slack. (

SDSU: San Diego State University, San Diego, California.

SEDL: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, Austin, Texas. A nonprofit education research, development, and dissemination organization. Mission is to strengthen the connections among research, policy, and practice in order to improve outcomes for all learners. (

SFN Summit: Society for Neuroscience, Neuroscience Research in Education Summit. June 22-24, 2009.

SGoldberg: Stephen Goldberg, Clinical Neuroanatomy Made Ridiculously Simple... Edition 3. Miami, FL: MedMaster, Inc. 1979. 2007.

Shapiro, BSP73: “Interview with Lawrence Shapiro and host Dr. Ginger Campbell.” The Brain Science Podcast #73. May 31, 2011. Transcript.

Shin: Lisa M Shin, Scott L. Rauch, and Roger K. Pitman, “Amygdala, Medial Prefrontal Cortex, and Hippocampal Function in PTSD.” New York Academy of Sciences conference on “Psychobiology of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Decade of Progress.” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Volume 1071:67-69. New York: New York Academy of Sciences. July, 2006.

Siegel, BSP44: “Meditation and the Brain.” Interview with Dan Siegel, hosted by Dr. Ginger Campbell. The Brain Science Podcast #44. August 22, 2008. Transcript.

Silver: Nate Silver, the signal and the noise, why so many predictions fail - but some don't. New York: The Penguin Press. 2012.

Sousa: David A. Sousa, Mind, Brain, and Education... Neuroscience Implications for the Classroom. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press. 2010.

Spinks: Sarah Spinks, “Adolescent Brains are Works in Progress.” FRONTLINE, (

Spinney: Caroll Spinney, The Wisdom of Big Bird, (and the Dark Genius of Oscar the Grouch). New York: Villard Books. 2003.

Sporns: Olaf Sporns, Networks of the Brain. Boston: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 2011.

Stafford: Tom Stafford and Matt Webb, Mind Hacks... Tips & Tools for Using Your Brain. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, Inc. 2005.

Stone: James V. Stone, Vision and Brain, How We Perceive the World. Cambridge, MA:  The MIT Press. 2012.

Suthana: Nantia Suthana, et al., “Memory Enhancement and Deep-Brain Stimulation of the Entorhinal Area.” New England Journal of Medicine, February 9, 2012.

Tallal: Paula Tallal, “What do Neuroscientists Know About Learning That Most Educators Don’t?” Scientific Learning Corporation Webinar, October 30, 2012. Paula Tallal, Ph.D., Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience, Rutgers University, Newark.

Tavris, BSP77B: “Mistakes Were Made.” Interview with Carol Tavris, hosted by Dr. Ginger Campbell. Books and Ideas Podcast. October 4, 2011. Transcript.

The Brain: Scientific American Magazine, The Brain... A Scientific American Book. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company. 1979. The eleven chapters in this book originally appeared as articles in the September 1979 issue of Scientific American. Contributors include Francis Crick, Eric Kandel, David Hubel, Charles Stevens, Walle Nauta and Michael Feirtag, W. Cowan, Leslie Iversen, Torsten Wiesel, Edward Evarts, Norman Geschwind, and Seymour Kety.

Thompson, BSP89: “Interview with Evan Thompson and host Dr. Ginger Campbell.” The Brain Science Podcast #89. October 3, 2012. Transcript.

Tokuhama-Espinosa: Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa, Mind, Brain, and Education Science... A Comprehensive Guide To The New Brain-Based Teaching. New York, NY: W.H. Norton and Company, 2011.

Tulving: Endel Tulving, Daniel L. Schacter, “Priming and Human Memory Systems.” Science, January 19, 1990.

UCSD: University of California, San Diego, Department of Psychology Research Areas: Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience. 2014. (

UHLearn: Genetic Science Learning Center, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. A science and health education program located in the midst of the bioscience research being carried out at the University of Utah. Mission is making science easy for everyone to understand. Oct2013. (

UMLS: Physician Data Query, Unified Medical Language System. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health. 2013. 

UniversityAffairs: authoritative source of information about and for Canada's university community. Founded in 1959 and with its own website since 2004, University Affairs provides breaking news, provocative commentary, and in-depth articles about university trends. (

UTexas: University of Texas at Austin. (

Venter: J. Craig Venter, Life at the Speed of Light, From the Double Helix To The Dawn Of Digital LIfe. New York, NY: Penguin Group. 2013.

VenterNPR: J. Craig Venter “NPR Science Friday” interview with J. Craig Venter, hosted by Ira Flatow. October 25, 2013. Transcript.

Virtual Human Interaction Lab: Stanford University. Jeremy Bailenson, Director. Mission is to understand the dynamics and implications of interactions among people in immersive virtual reality simulations (VR), and other forms of human digital representations in media, communication systems, and games. Researchers in the lab are most concerned with understanding the social interaction that occurs within the confines of VR, and the majority of our work is centered on using empirical, behavioral science methodologies to explore people as they interact in these digital worlds. (

Waldman: Gary Waldman, Introduction to Light. The Physics of Light, Vision, and Color. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, Inc. 1983.

Watson: James D. Watson, DNA The Secret of Life. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 2006.

Web-Based Training: Web-Based Training Information Center. A free information resource for anyone interested in developing and delivering online learning. (

WebMD: internet health information service. Information, supportive communities, and in-depth reference material about health subjects… (, About WebMD)

Wellcome: Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, "Sieving through 'junk' DNA reveals disease-causing genetic mutations." ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 12, 2013, from (­ /releases/2013/10/131003142321.htm)

Wheelan: Charles Wheelan, Naked Statistics… Stripping the Dread from the Data. New York: W.W. Norton & Company Inc. 2013.

Willis: Judy Willis, Research-Based Strategies to Ignite Student Learning... Insights From a Neurologist and Classroom Teacher. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. 2006.

Wilson: Edward O. Wilson, The Social Conquest of Earth. New York: Liveright Publishing Corporation. 2012.

Wolfe: Patricia Wolfe, Brain Matters... Translating Research into Classroom Practice 2nd Edition. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. 2010.

Wood: Julia T. Wood, Interpersonal Communication:Everyday Encounters, 7th Edition. Independence, KY: Cengage Learning. 2012.

WordNet: WordNet, Princeton University. WordNet® is a large lexical database of English. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms (synsets), each expressing a distinct concept. Synsets are interlinked by means of conceptual-semantic and lexical relations (

Writers Inc: Lois Krenzke, Dave Kemper, Pat Sebranek, Writers INC... A Student Handbook for Writing and Learning. Wilmington, MA: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 1966.

Yang: Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, “Implications of Affective and Social Neuroscience for Educational Theory,” Educational Philosophy and Theory, Vol. 43, No. 1, 2011.