“What a privilege it will be for our generation –- and our children’s -– to witness what I believe will be the greatest revolution in the history of the human race: understanding ourselves.”
“The greatest challenge in all of science is to understand how the mysteries of human nature— as reflected i our individual experience of the world— arise from the physical matter of the brain.”
Neuroscience: the science of mind. (Kandel2, xiv) How meaning arises from electrical activity in the vast neural networks making up the brain. (Koch, 2) How specific processes, like perception, memory, or emotion, work in the brain. (LeDoux, 1) There is no scientific study more vital to man than the study of his own brain. Our entire view of the universe depends on it. (The Brain-Francis Crick, 137) The ultimate goal of neuroscience is to learn how the human brain gives rise to human intelligence. (Hawkins2, 1)