“There is an important lesson in (the story of David and Goliath) for battles with all kinds of giants. The powerful and the strong are not always what they seem.”
Power: the ability to manipulate, influence, or control other people… (Floyd, G5) An ability to influence or control events… Control over a resource that other people value. (McCornack, 288-291)
Possession of control or authority over others; dominance; government, command; personal, social, or political influence or ascendancy. (Oxford) The ability of any nation to wield power on a sustained basis — whether military, economic, political, or moral — depends upon multiple factors. These include the ability to form intelligent policies and implement them effectively in a timely manner. The cohesion of its society, which generally requires the perception of fairness in the distribution of incomes and net worth… and where governmental power is derived from the genuine consent of the governed. The protection of property rights, the enforcement of contracts, and opportunities to invest money without an unreasonable risk of loosing wealth. The development and enforcement of sustainable fiscal and monetary policies and bank regulations that minimize the risk of market disruptions. The development of its human capital with adequate investments in education and job training, health care and mental health care, and nutrition and child care. The protection, conservation, and stewardship of natural capital with environmental protection and energy efficiency. (Gore, 124)
Autonomy: freedom of the will. Independence, freedom from external control or influence. (Oxford) The need to determine, control, and organize one’s own behavior and goals so that they are harmony with one’s own interest and values. (Hockenbury, 325) Adjective - ‘autonomic.’
Cultural Capital: the knowledge and ideas required to maintain or gain status and power in society. (Johnson, 158)
Expertise Power: power that derives from one’s expertise, talent, training, specialized knowledge, or experience. (Floyd, G3) That comes from possessing specialized skills … (McCornack, 292)
Obedience: the performance of an action in response to the direct orders of an authority or person of higher status. (Hockenbury, 456) A form of compliance that occurs when people follow direct commands, especially commands from an authority. A key question for researchers has been "If someone tells you to display some behavior, will you obey and display the behavior, or will you defy authority and display disobedience?" (Bamford, 11/30/10)
Power Distance: the degree to which people in a culture view the unequal distribution of power as acceptable. For example, in some cultures, well-defined class distinctions limit interaction across class lines, but other cultures downplay status and privilege to foster a spirit of equality. (McCornack, 292) A high power distance culture has much or most of its power concentrated in a few people, such as royalty or a ruling political party. Power is not highly concentrated in specific groups in a low power distance culture. (Floyd, G4)
Predominant: having supremacy or ascendancy over others. Constituting the main or strongest element. (Oxford)
Referent Power: power that derives from one’s attraction to or admiration for another. (Floyd, G5)
Resource Currency: power that comes from controlling material items others want or need, such as money, food, or property. (McCornack, 292)
Reward Power: power that derives from the ability to reward. (Floyd, G5)
Social Network Currency: power that comes from being linked with a network of friends, family, and acquaintances with substantial influence, such as being on a first-name basis with a sports celebrity. (McCornack, 292)
Submissiveness: the willingness to allow others to exert power over you, demonstrated by gestures such as a shrinking posture or lowered eye gaze. (McCornack, 243)
Technocracy: the control of society or industry by technical experts; a ruling body of such experts. Also, an instance of such control. (Oxford)