Occipital Lobes: main seat of visual function. (Rose, Episode 1 Anthony Movshon) Located at the back of the brain beneath the ‘occipital bone.’ (Kolb, 6) Not clearly separated from the “parietal lobes” and “temporal lobes,” because no large “fissure” marks their boundaries. (Kolb, 53)
Responsible for "perception" of visual information. Neurons in the occipital lobes are organized in columns. (Chudler, 47) In sighted people, send visual information to the parietal lobes. (Blakeslee, 10) Subdivided into as many as thirty distinct processing regions, each partially specialized for a different aspect of vision such as color, motion, and form. (Ramachandran, 19) Editor’s note - functional structures include the “primary visual cortex” and the “secondary visual cortex.” Also referred to as "occipital cortex."
Cuneus: the portion of the medial occipital lobe above the “calcarine fissure.” (Blumenfeld, 25)
Lingula: the portion of the medial occipital lobe below the “calcarine fissure.” (Blumenfeld, 25)
Occipital Gyrus: the lateral surface of the occipital lobe. (Fisch, 278) Also referred to as ‘lateral occipital gyrus.’